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The Joindre Value Fund will strive to relieve investors of the daily complexities associated with equity investments, while giving them full access to information on the investment portfolio on a continuous basis.  This product is ideal for patient investors seeking long-term capital appreciation by investing in quality companies listed on Stock Exchanges. Investors in this product should have an investment horizon of minimum

3 to 5 years and above. The objective will be a generate reasonable  superior returns for the investor while optimally balancing risk and returns by adopting stringent investment processes.

Investment Principles

"The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing"
Phillip Fisher

Investment Approach

"If you want to have a better performance than the crowd, you must do things differently from the crowd"
John Templeton

Investment Process


The investment process encompasses the study of the sectoral composition of our Benchmark i.e : ( S & P BSE 500 TRI), which is a broad based index and represents the top 500 companies based on market capitalization and then selecting individual companies based on the bottoms up approach. Companies outside the benchmark will be considered for investment only where we have a company that fulfills the broad investment criteria with a compelling valuation. After a thorough analysis based on various financial parameters, companies are shortlisted considering their fit to our investment principles. Stock picking is done based on the understanding that “Sales is Vanity, Profit is Sanity & Cash flow is Reality.” We currently actively track 40 to 50 companies which are a fit to our investment framework. The final individual portfolios will compromise 15 to 20 stock (depending upon the size of individual portfolio) drawn from these actively tracked companies. The entire process is dynamic as we continuously track the companies we are invested in, and are constantly on the lookout for new ideas that can fit our investment framework. Individual client portfolios are monitored and tracked on a continuous basis as their composition may vary due to their time of entry. We believe, “Simplicity is the highest form of sophistication” and “The selection of stocks is sacrosanct and performance of the portfolio determines the feel-good factor.”

 For Product Presentation and Performance
Visit Knowledge & Download section

Direct onboarding: Clients can open the account with us directly or through intermediary. Please contact us on 022 49334732/31 or write to us on / and we will get back to you.

Corporate Office:


Mumbai: 3rd Floor, 9/15 Bansilal Building, Homi Modi Street, Fort Mumbai 400023.

Chennai: "SHRI LAKSHMI" No.5, Appakannu Lane, Lakshipuram Royapettah, Chennai-600014. 


Phone: Mumbai (B)+91-22-40334567 / 69 (D) +91-22-40334731 / 32  Chennai : 044 24992244  


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